Savings that Work for You


We work creatively with community investors, public agencies and financial intermediaries to provide you with a variety of interest-earning opportunities. From minor accounts to grow generational wealth to money market accounts that offer immediate liquidity, and certificates of deposit that allow you to save for retirement, we have the savings solution for you.

Select a Savings Account


Earn a competitive rate with this socially responsible investment in yourself and your community. Get started with a minimum to open of $100.00.


Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge applies if minimum balance requirement is not met.


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing

Withdrawal Limitations

Limited up to 6 withdrawals per month.*

Increase your earnings on savings with a competitive rate and the convenience of a checkbook (by regulation, transfers are limited to six per month). With a Personal Money Market Account, you’ll earn a tiered interest rate, paid every month with a modest minimum to open of $10000.00.


Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge applies if minimum balance requirement is not met.


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing

Withdrawal Limitations

Limited up to 6 withdrawals per month.*

Each one, teach one. This interest-bearing account helps your child prepare for the future; learn the value of interest, now, and set smart money habits for later.


Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing

Want to put aside funds for your future? Make your money grow in both the short- and long-term. Start saving from just $1000.00.

Regular CD


Minimum to Open

3mths. - 5yrs.

CD Term and Rate

Jumbo CD


Minimum to Open

3mths. - 5yrs.

CD Term and Rate




Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge applies if the account balance falls below the required minimum.


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing

Withdrawal Limitations

Our business savings account enjoys a competitive rate and is limited up to 6 withdrawals per month.

Earn a competitive rate on minimum deposits as low as $100.00.


Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge applies if the account balance falls below the required minimum.


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing

Your small business or nonprofit can make money grow in both the short- and long-term with CityFirst Certificates of Deposit. Start saving for your mission with minimum deposits as low as $10000.00.

Regular CD


Minimum to Open

3mths. - 5yrs.

CD Term and Rate

Jumbo CD


Minimum to Open

3mths. - 5yrs.

CD Term and Rate


Number of transactions free each month. 100

Account Rate and Limitations

Our exclusive Nonprofit Money Market account enjoys a competitive tiered rate and is limited up to six withdrawals per month.*

*Federal regulations limit the number of withdrawals and/or transfers from Savings or Money Market accounts.


Minimum to Open


Monthly Service Charge applies if the account balance falls below the required minimum.


Minimum Monthly Average Balance Requirement


Interest Bearing, tiered rate based on account balance.




For large deposits and minimal need for daily access to liquidity, we offer a way to invest in CDs placed through the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service®, in conjunction with your CityFirst Money Market Account.

How It Works

The first $250,000 is placed in your Money Market Account, earning competitive rates and providing optimal liquidity. Funds over this amount can be invested weekly in CDARS CDs of short duration, thus providing a steady cash flow at attractive rates. Alternatively, funds may be invested in CDARS CDs of laddered maturities from four weeks (for more immediate cash flow needs) to five years (for guaranteed return over a long period of time).

Benefits Include
  • Access to multi-million dollar FDIC insurance on CD deposits1
  • Access to funds upon maturity of CDs
  • Simplified financial tracking and record-keeping with one monthly statement and one 1099 on all of the CDs placed through CDARS
  • The satisfaction of knowing that your money is at work in the community, while being eligible for FDIC insurance2
  • Higher blended rates on the whole laddered CDARS deposit relationship than would otherwise be available in our Money Market Account

1 Limits Apply. Funds may be submitted for placement only after a depositor enters into a CDARS Deposit Placement Agreement with us. The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by us.

2 When deposited funds are exchanged on a dollar-for-dollar basis with other banks in the CDARS Network, we can use the full amount of a deposit placed through CDARS for local lending, satisfying some depositors’ local investment goals or mandates. Alternatively, with a depositor’s consent, our bank may choose to receive fee income instead of deposits from other banks. Under these circumstances, deposited funds would not be available for local lending.

CDARS is a registered service mark of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.




Bank Safe, Bank Smart. The Insured Cash Sweep® (ICS) service provides access to multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance and optimized interest on funds placed into demand deposit accounts, money market deposit accounts, or both.

Benefits Include
  • Eligible for multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance that is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.
  • Earned interest on excess cash balances in demand accounts, money market deposit accounts, or both.
  • Unlimited program withdrawals (using the ICS demand option) or up to six program withdrawals per month (using the ICS savings option).

Placement of your funds through the ICS service is subject to terms, conditions, and disclosures set forth in the agreements, including the ICS Deposit Placement Agreement, that you enter with us. Limits and customer eligibility criteria apply. Unlimited program withdrawals are available with ICS only when using the ICS demand option. ICS Insured Cash Sweep, and Bank Safe, Bank Smart are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial LLC.